Troubleshooting, you have not seen the situation before. you start to fix the error. The main important factor is identify the error and isolate to solve the problem. During the troubleshooting back and forth emails are leading customer dissatisfaction.  Even if you solve the problem, Customer will remember how frustrating it was to get service. Troubleshooting has following three phases

  • Understanding what is happening.
  • Isolating the diagnosing issue(Narrow down issue )
  • Finding the solution
        while doing troubleshooting we have to remove the complexity. try to remove other stack try to isolate and derive as much information possible.
  •  Narrow down/Remove the complexity 
  • Comparing with working environment
Narrow Down => reduce the possible of solution rather than various probability. (Be methodical systematic approach) For Narrow Down, Just look on the below one, it may helpful to getter better visibility about narrow down.
Narrow Down Problem

Other Steps

  • Know the Logic/Concept - RCA
  • Take Enough Time rather Haste and Panic
  • Look on Different Perspective - 4 Eye Principal
  • Reproduce Problem on Test Setup
  • After above, Use Trail and Error Method

Know the Logic/Concept- RCA   

     if you want to know the setup well, you have to know the logic How it is working. Without Logic we can't troubleshoot the problem exactly. This will help to find out the RCA - Root Cause Analysis. So the clear logic will help to understand object and their event well. Rather than doing this without having proper knowledge try to troubleshoot with poor planning. it is won't give the fruitful result. if we don't have logical understanding, we have to read lot of document, attend required training. Some time reading lot it won't that much help, but doing experiment will come to know the setup.

Take Enough Time Rather Haste and Panic

        Don't be hurry burry. we can't complete this job smoother. Take enough required time and try to analysis setup through reading Log, check every setting properly. which will help to solve the problem or else we can ignore important observation where the problem lies. 

Look on Different Perspective - 4 Eye Principal

        if you can't solve the problem, within time limit communicate with your team through email, chat and cascade this information. They may have know about bug, experience about this setup. They will add the valuable comments which can easily solve the problem. Before taking any conclusion, we need to cross check with someone. Try to look on different angle/perspective. Change the way of looking the problem. Don't look from Support Engineer view on a)customer perspective b)Manager view c)other related roles d)check from different system view. if you struck at any point, don't waste time instead communicate with other, it will improve your thought process.

Reproduce the Problem on Test Setup | Experiment

        if you are not able to solve the problem, reproduce the problem on different test machine would give some info. Preproducing problem/same error on different machine is not an easy task. 

        Every troubleshooting, we are trying to troubleshoot on ecosystem (IT Infrastructure). It might be hardware or software. So here we have try to solve from the (trace it back) from the result (reverse engineering). We must identify what are elements(component) are related to require expected output. So by changing this characteristic of the component(experiment), we may get different output. By careful Observation, using this input/output analysis we can get what are component are interrelated to output.

    1)      Identify what are the components are interrelated to the output that is challenging task.

After above, Use Trail and Error Method

    After above all method, if you still not able to solve the problem, Check trail and error method. How the events are working when you click/enter x what is the output of y and do the analysis.

Some of Troubleshooting
  • VMware network related problem (read doc)
  • optfeko enable (pending for a year) (read doc)
  • Gnome + RHEL7.2 + vncserver + Nvidia driver installation - UEMO BIOS secure boot is enable (read doc)
  • site_config.xml changing executable not properly reflecting on pas_exectuable, while checking along with pas_application found problem (look different perspective,Trail  Error method) 
  • hst(radios problem) (read doc/interact with users)
  • Xenserver network problem - 4 eye principal
  • user Home directory Permission problem - Permission issue - Lack of observation.

Some of the famous Quotes about troubleshooting

  • When a relationship doesn't have trust, it will always have problems.
  • To solve a problem you have to recognize your share of responsibility, if you blame the others, you will never solve it. 
  • Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.
  • A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead of about each other.
  • We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein.
  • Sometimes problems don't require a solution to solve them; instead they require maturity to outgrow them. - Dr Steve Maraboli
  •  Deal with problems, before they deal with your happiness.
  • I believe half the solution to any problems lies in defining it - Dr Phil.
  • if you only focus on the problem, you might miss the easy solution.
  • if I had an hour to solve a problem. I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions
  • Good Troubleshooting each and every step is important, especially your first step is important .
Experiment Quotes
  • To Solve a problem is to create new problems, new knowledge immediately reveal new areas of ignorance, and need for new experiments. At least, in the field of fast reactions, the experiment do not take very long to perform. - George Porter
  • All life is an experiment. The more experiment you make better - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The true method of knowledge is experiment - William Blake
  • The value of experimentation is not trying, it is trying again after the experiment fails. - Simon Sinek
  • Using what we have -> find out what we need.