Medical Expert System Class Diagram

To create a class diagram to show the classes and relationships that participate in the basic flow of the withdraw use case.
1.Add the class diagram to the browser.
a ) Open the previous project model.
b ) Add the withdraw then class diagram,under the usecase realization in the browser then open the diagram.
2.Add the classes to the diagram.
View the withdraw collobaration diagram to determine the classes to add to the class diagram. Don’t include actors on your class diagram actors exist outside the system.
Finally do the add association and role name see this class diagram for your reference
Finally Medical Expert system Class diagram was generate it has two classes Patient and Doctor Patient has the add, delete view and update and patient function these function also present in the Doctor classes patient class it has data variable name and address as string and no and age as integer in doctor class it has extra data variable as Id and age ad integer and qual , AOS as string
Medical Expert System Class DiagramRESULT :
Thus the class diagram to show the classes and relationship that participate in the basic flow of the withdraw use case with case tool lap CS1403 Rational Rose Software

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