AIM To draw a global view of the use case diagram and actors diagram of an entire
Student Mark Analysis System.
Algorithm Procedure
1.Open the rational rose enterprise edition.
2.In the new project Use Case view create a package called usecase model.
3.For the usecase model packages create a new package namely usecases and
4.For usecase of package create all usecases of our project .For actors of package
create all actors of our project.
5.For usecase model package create a usecase diagram.
6.Open usecase model package and place all actor and usecases from the
Student Mark Analysis System.
Algorithm Procedure
1.Open the rational rose enterprise edition.
2.In the new project Use Case view create a package called usecase model.
3.For the usecase model packages create a new package namely usecases and
4.For usecase of package create all usecases of our project .For actors of package
create all actors of our project.
5.For usecase model package create a usecase diagram.
6.Open usecase model package and place all actor and usecases from the
7.Put the association relationship between the usecases and actor.
8.Save the model.
Thus the global view of the usecase diagram and actor diagram of an entire Student mark Analysis was done successfully. CS1403- CASE TOOLS LAB Developing use case diagram CS1403- CASE TOOLS LAB